twittering on 2010-02-17

  • whew! the firehose has started for today. working extra remote, still works. 😀 #
  • got called a weirdo earlier for sending a text to @amatix while in the same room. doesn't everyone do that? #
  • feeling a bit sad to be leaving NZ today. beautiful country, lovely people, and the fact that it is summer right now doesn't hurt. 🙂 #
  • Hey @flyairnz, is there a good place for wifi access in the Auckland international terminal? #
  • Currently hate-queueing. #
  • Feeling like a big baby for crying after I had to check my violin in. Flying now sucks. #
  • Thanks so much to @lin_nah, @slyall and @talios for making me feel so at home in Auckland. #

twittering on 2010-02-16

  • just got best linkedin invite ever. you know who you are. #
  • ah, the ferry leaves at *10am* today. delightful! laying in bed a little longer, smiling at lovely emails, hacking. #
  • On the ferry to the dormant volcano. #Auckland #
  • Thinking about the importance of play and humor in work after spending all this time in NZ #
  • yay! @lin_nah here at coffee shop to take me to curry tonight #

Weekly tweet digest for 2010-02-14

twittering on 2010-02-10