The PDX11 groups have all met in person and initiatives are underway:
- The Financing group published awesome meeting notes, including preliminary information about a PSU study about entrepreneurship. They’re also discussing obstacles to angel investing in oregon, and word is the next meeting is being planned.
- The Knowledge Network group also published meeting minutes, and the mailing list discussion is focusing on meeting space and resources for User Groups in the Portland area.
- The Mentoring group met, and work is underway on a mentoring organization charter, and a next meeting is planned for February.
And, I’ve been making some small changes to the PDX11 site:
- Created feeds for all the mailing lists using an email redirector into Posterous! There are now three sites you can get RSS feeds from: - Added the feeds to the PDX11 site so that updated information is linked directly to each group’s landing page.
- Made plans to meet with Leslie Hawthorn to go over some designs for the future of the site.
We could definitely use some help, so ping me if you’ve got some spare cycles! Particular skills of use are: Drupal panel and feeds configuration, CSS and writing.
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