Career Resources for Women

We'll start general. Leave comments for stuff you want to add! We're putting together a collection of 5-minute mentoring videos, thanks to Garann! Crowd-sourced Mentoring Advice for Women in Technology These are just what people have been saying to me, and my own suggestions. Will go through and edit/trim later.


5 thoughts on Career Resources for Women

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    • Maybe a series of blog posts would be good? I’m pretty upset about the stuff I was reading today. My goal: science-based and empowering.

  1. Grace Hopper is good but tailored to big companies – I still can’t seem to make headway with getting startups speaking & participating in job fairs at their conferences 🙁

    As you know, I do a lot of career coaching & resume services, and have my weekly 9-to-5 blogpost on career stuff ( So much is just sharing what we’ve learned, and being generous with our time.

    One note, women often discount themselves much more on jobs they see compared to men – I was reading that most women won’t apply unless they meet 80% of job requirements, while men will apply if they think the job sounds awesome.

    I’m a big fan of the Madeleine Albright quote about there being a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women 🙂 The more mentors we have, the better. It gets way too clique-ish in the communities around what a woman in tech should look like, and I think sometimes it’s just a matter of women getting out of their own way.

    Not to say it’s not a community issue, but what good are we if we’re not supporting each other in all our diversity? Gotta start at home, ya know?

    Spending time volunteering with kids (before high school!!) is huge.

    I’m on the Business Education Compact Diversity Committee (National Engineers Month) and actually meeting with them this Thursday – let me know if I can utilize this forum or if you want to contribute in any way OK?

    (Yes I went off the main topic…You know I’ve alllllways got an opinion to share!!)

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