Inheritance and sharding with Postgres

A friend told me about their sharding scheme last night, and it made me very curious about how others are handling this problem. This question about database design turns into a devops issue, so it’s something really the entire development group and devops and DBAs need to be aware of and concerned about. And it’s not a problem exclusive to Postgres.
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Postgres Open 2012, SQL Server Guys discover Postgres, Tom Lane’s quote of the week & GSoC

Happy Friday!

Postgres Open‘s website is back up! Next week, we’ll be announcing sponsorship opportunities for 2012 and opening our Call for Speakers shortly after.

Some IT guys discovered Postgres and made a series of videos about what they’re learning. They came from Windows backgrounds, so their observations were a great introduction to what it’s like for non-Linux-y people when they first try Postgres out.
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