Security and maintenance release for PostgreSQL: versions 9.1.3, 9.0.7, 8.4.11 and 8.3.18

Today, PostgreSQL Global Development Group released new versions of all active branches. This includes three security bugfixes, two of which are pretty obscure and one that fixes a possible security issue with restoring un-sanitized output from pg_dump. Details about the security issues are included in the release announcement.
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Student Loan Sharks: Mohela is shady (but the CSR I talked to was really nice)

UPDATED AGAIN: See bottom for contact information from a reporter.

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Mohela took over my loan from the Department of Education and claimed it could change the terms?

This happened to me. Mohela bought my student loan, sent me a letter telling me that the terms on my loan had been modified, and then sent me letters telling me that my monthly payments were overdue — even though I had paid.
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“This story seems too negative. Can you fix that?”

I keep watching this video about cancer research. The speaker is Keith Baggerly, a statistician who (with a team) analyzed data from a series of scientific papers for reproducibility.

Specifically, they were looking at findings from research that determines whether or not a cell line is resistant to a drug – like a cancer fighting drug.
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