twittering on 2008-04-02

  • liking this comment from andrew dunstan about "view from the other side of the fence" – – re: pgsql/mysql blowhards #
  • @br3nda oh, i’m sure that i have. i tend to assume that most people are not techie though, and i ask questions about tech to find out. #
  • @peat chicken tractors rule! my hubbie built me one for xmas a couple years ago 🙂 #
  • @garethgreenaway i have been laughing all day at the response emails 🙂 #
  • @garethgreenaway and i have to confess, i read it *three* times before I thought – "oh right. april fools." good one! #
  • feeling good about a connection about to happen between some folks working on a project related to @mattking’s #startupalooza presentation #
  • @zrusilla 🙁 sorry to hear that. #
  • hi @joshmcadams! you haven’t moved to pdx yet 🙂 #
  • @lelonopo my score was 92 🙁 #
  • no meetings today. awesome. #
  • @stevelle i’ll be at pdxwi tonight if you wanna talk about agile as DoS 🙂 #
  • @johnmark um, that’s a big "me too" #
  • @linuxpoet welcome back! #
  • @linuxpoet what, no hello? here’s the group picture from the postgresql conference: #
  • gonna have lunch with @samkeen. eSan NW! #
  • @zrusilla YES. i need a nap #
  • @stevelle w00t! put ’em in touch. next meeting is all about project mgmt and coworker communication. #
  • @garethgreenaway it was so awesome! great speakers, great people, tons of interest in new PUGs. the postgresql community is amazing. #

twittering on 2008-04-01

  • Back in pdx. #
  • @samkeen wow. USB pregnancy test kit? #
  • @radiogretchen and @karolcooks i have a present for you two from obama! #
  • @samkeen but only $29.99! #
  • @radiogretchen i made a little flip book of photos. we must arrange a dropoff! #
  • i met the coolest science teacher on the plane back to pdx yesterday. anyone know of a K-8 science opening? #
  • @andeezy he’s moving to Oregon from Florida-wants to ride his bike more. i don’t think he’ll have a problem, but doesn’t hurt to ask around #
  • postgresql community needs to be more disruptive! woo, thanks, theo. #
  • synapses firing on overdrive. i <3 postgresql conferences. #
  • @sharong thank you!! #
  • @thesethings tons of PC laptops. i think the ubuntu laptops won wrt proper interfacing to the projectors 🙂 #
  • my response to Theo’s "disruptive postgresql community" comment – #
  • @br3nda i think we need more mentors and community that specifically recruits women. #
  • @jchris using linux as your host? #
  • @br3nda and we need to provide incentives that work for the mentors — should be men and women mentoring because all the women i know are… #
  • @br3nda …WAY over-subscribed. #

twittering on 2008-03-31

  • back at hotel after a long, long day. getting up tomorrow to go to the air & space museum w/ bruce, magnus and nikolai #
  • thank yous for postgresql conference east: #
  • Air & space museum! #
  • @ Dulles. plane is delayed. #
  • Caught a little of Women Who Tech talk before getting on the plane. #womenwhotech #
  • ne1 know the trick to get the low bandwidth gmail interface? Pls DM. #
  • Thx everyone! Resorted to lynx. #
  • i should say using lynx over a compressed SSH connection. way flakey AP here. #

twittering on 2008-03-30

  • tired, but the conference is awesome. #
  • headed to postgresql conferernce! #
  • getting ready for postgresql conference roundtable.. #
  • getting ready for postgresql conference roundtable.. #
  • @gorthx wish that you were here! #
  • back from a great lunch discussion. more about how we can get in-place upgrades implemented #
  • for postgresql #
  • listening to a defense of denormalization from Gil Moskowitz #
  • xtuple uses stored procedures in postgresql to return useful error messages, and then Qt to translate messages on the fly #
  • (translate into different languages) – within 2 days of open sourcing the client, they had europeans asking about translations #
  • people haven’t been as much interested in the code – more interested in *using* the app and putting in work to translate #
  • applying constraints to the database is helping them to find longstanding bugs in their application. #
  • @danblaker congrats!!! pics? 🙂 #

twittering on 2008-03-28

  • sun is out in DC! #
  • hi @danblaker 🙂 #
  • @geekygirldawn i love your new icon. it’s so heathers, it hurts 😀 #
  • @danblaker awww shucks 🙂 #
  • getting ready to head out to chevy’s for pre-postgresql conference funkitude #
  • @danblaker yes we do have chickens. they are adorable 🙂 #

twittering on 2008-03-27

  • headed home to pack! #
  • AmySedarisBrownies/p176: 4egg/beat fluffy,1c sugar, 1c flour,1t bkng pwdr,.5t salt,(1pkg choc chip,.66c butter)melt tog,2t vanilla. 350F/25m #
  • optional: pecans. #
  • @muckp delicious! #
  • @br3nda hope you feel better soon. #
  • at JFK. free jetblue wifi! #
  • In D. C. #
  • picked up the paper edition of the Onion from UMD campus. laughed for a good 10 minutes while waiting for a cab. #

twittering on 2008-03-26

  • @turoczy LOL #
  • @linuxpoet best wishes to henry. #
  • @stadler cyrix processor was the first processor i ever bought for the first computer i ever built myself *memories* #
  • being horrifed at code-n-splode by a face-melting file format (in this case EDI) #
  • woo! PSU just sponsored Portland BarCamp! #
  • @spinnerin has her XO here 🙂 and it is MESHING! #
  • just got confirmation on wireless access for UMD really has it together. #
  • @xolotl: #bacon! #
  • @xolotl has a diabolically recursive mind. #
  • @radiogretchen happy birthday!! #
  • @ljbanks the clinton campaign uses "hillary" rather than "hillary clinton" or "hillary rodham clinton". not sexist – intentional marketing. #
  • @ljbanks the campaign says that it reflects the human connection she has with her supporters. #
  • @ljbanks sometimes marketing backfires :/ #
  • from @zrusilla new word alert: rickroll. awesome. #
  • @thesethings i’m for’ing stuff to #heytwitches #
  • @petdance yes. forgive me, but rick astley does not often come up in conversation. #
  • catching up on rss #
  • @radiogretchen bernies (NE), acadia (NE), justa pasta (NW), thai orchid (NW), lucy’s table (NW), farm (SE) #
  • Thanks to Silicon Mechanics for sponsoring #BarCampPortland! #
  • @metafluence congrats! look forward to hearing more. #
  • @br3nda has finally given me a reason to get a facebook account. now, i just need a plane ticket #
  • heads up: LA folks – postgresql newbie training sponsored by LAPUG in April – watch for details #
  • @xolotl i’m in! #

twittering on 2008-03-25

  • tired. tired. tired. #
  • @karolcooks that is awesome! i hope i can be there. #
  • @linuxpoet is very nihilistic today. #
  • just had a great conversation about the US PostgreSQL Association. its gonna rock. #
  • looking forward to this saturday! if you’re on the East Coast, you can still register! #
  • i will be making bacon martinis for the spring party my husband and i throw at the end of april. #
  • fixing an inventory bug… #
  • @petdance KILL IT! i wish there was an equivalent of "head on a lance" for bad code. #
  • hi @zrusilla! 🙂 #
  • @linuxpoet gave a great summary of complaints we had about postgresql – good feature list for summer of code 🙂 #
  • @linuxpoet field trip! summer time would be best. #
  • @zrusilla just turned me on to act: #
  • thinking that @xolotl and i need to represent at should we have drupal pom-poms? #
  • @xolotl darn it. maybe it #
  • @xolotl oops – maybe it’ll be an elimination bracket, and there will be a second meeting with drupal v. plone. we’d totally win. #
  • @radiogretchen i am IN #
  • @karolcooks WE ARE SO IN #
  • @radiogretchen i am a fan of whimsical hair. #
  • @karolcooks i have a favorite brownie recipe, best eaten the second day. can send when i get home. #
  • @adamd maybe @notbenh? #
  • @ahockley did! #
  • @varlass sure thing! brownie recipe, right? #
  • headed out to get the car tire fixed. #
  • @notbenh meet @adamd 🙂 he’s interested in a defense of wordpress as CMS at the upcoming pdx web innovators meeting #

twittering on 2008-03-24

  • @theory i know, all that talent from @linuxpoet, going to waste! #
  • @linuxpoet we’re just teasing you 🙂 #
  • @mtrichardson that’s awesome! 🙂 #
  • @TiEsQue turning gmail IM off is persistent through sessions #
  • @karolcooks XO Farmers market!! woo, #
  • @karolcooks i am so on it!! #

twittering on 2008-03-23

  • @TiEsQue maybe selectsmart? #
  • enjoyed nytimes magazine editorial on hapa kids. just was talking about chinese/caucasian kids with friend at postgresql meeting. #
  • @TiEsQue did you look at that site? it has sources, it isn’t about his social skills 🙂 #
  • @TiEsQue here’s what I read: huffington post, NYTimes Caucus blog, Daily KOS, Blue Oregon. I watch CSPAN and CNN coverage, and even FOX. #
  • @TiEsQue I imagine @grigs has some good resources, but to really get in depth coverage, I find I have to read a lot, from several sources. #
  • other sources: also the economist, the nation, youtube, the oregonian and even that stupid willamette week article #
  • and I’m just gonna come out in say it: much analysis is overrated and wrong. people should trust their own judgment more-primary sources FTW #
  • @jtkeith yeah! good one. #
  • and WIM by "primary sources" is: look at what candidates say and do, not what analysts think about what they say and do. #
  • @TiEsQue sure – but who do you trust for summary? i like huff post, but know they are biased; economist is good, but also biased. #
  • @xolotl 🙂 i’d talk about this all day long if i could. i’m happy when people pick an issue, research it and decide for themselves. #
  • @wendemm thanks for the link 🙂 #