twittering on 2010-03-17

  • Thinking about whether I can spend half the day hacking on arduino tomorrow. #dayoff #
  • wahoo! excited to have @joshwaihi hack at and make it better. in reply to joshwaihi #
  • Headed to PJUG for "Teaching Girls and Boys to Program Computers" (was an @osbridge '09 presenter) #
  • RT @Roebot: Btw, according to Northbridge OSS is a great investment. #
  • Wore my opensqlcamp shirt to oracle offices and I'm recruiting! #foss #
  • Lesson plans!! Http:// #
  • For geeklets: Lego "we do" kits are good for youngsters #teachprogammig #
  • Teaching things that are fun seems to make gender not matter as much (4th-6th grade) #teachprogramming #
  • Playground banter: "I know Scratch." #badgeofhonor #teachprogramming #
  • Battlebots in Java might be a stepping stone from scratch but @howardabrams suggest Python after scratch and Alice #teachprogramming #

Weekly tweet digest for 2010-03-14

twittering on 2010-03-13

Speakers workshop at LibrePlanet next week!

I’m headed off to Boston (and then NYC!) next week for three days of free software love at LibrePlanet, March 19-21.

While there, I’ll be giving a speaker’s workshop – how to give talks at technical conferences. There’s not really a magical formula, just lots of tips and things to practice that will help you not only give great talks, but find excellent places to give those talks, be prepared for speaking to any size crowd, and have a good time while you do it.

I started giving talks at conferences about five years ago, and have been running my own conferences for three years. I still get the butterflies when I get up in front of people, but I’ve got a whole kit of strategies I now use to deal with it.

The workshop is scheduled for 3:30-5:30pm, and I’m sure we’ll all head out for dinner and conversation right after.

I’ve also got one free pass to the conference left, so leave a comment if you’ll be in the area and can use the pass.

Also, I’ll have some incredibly profane free software advocacy stickers on-hand to share. We’re free software activists, but we can still have fun, right? 🙂

twittering on 2010-03-10