twittering on 2009-08-03

  • listening to sweet mix from @petdance to start my morning. #
  • @kuslahne you can change pg_hba.conf login method to ‘trust’ for localhost (if you’re talking about the user *inside* the db),then reset pw #
  • @gorthx yay! sadly, no need for my detailed explanation of why it failed anymore. #
  • RT @caseorganic: Cheap Shit Condos – a blog (with images) of cheap crappy condos in Seattle. Pretty awesome. #
  • @operatic i hope he’s ok. #
  • @donpdonp @robotadam hmmm… for my $meridiem (qw/am pm/) { print map { $_ . $meridiem . ‘ ‘} (12,1..11); } #
  • awesome! RT @oregonian: Oregon becomes one of 12 states to cover all kids with health insurance #