twittering on 2011-05-04

  • listening to @rmurphey talk about javascript community – comparing it to building the american highway system and their vision #
  • "we need a standardized module system" for javascript -@rmurphey #jsconf — we're doing this for postgres with pgxn now. so important. #
  • "there are a lot of social rewards for releasing new things, not improving existing things." -@rmurphey #jsconf misaligned incentives, yup. #
  • now listening to "low friction development" from betapond founder from peter elger #
  • community is infrastructure. 🙂 #jsconf #
  • omg text-align CENTAUR #jsconf #
  • #puddi sighting at #jsconf #riak #
  • unscheduled groupon talk in track B right now 🙂 #jsconf #
  • We just got confirmation on space for another Civic Hackathon: #pdx11 #