twittering on 2008-07-09

  • @jabancroft i’m glad you want to participate! so many people try to get out of jury duty. i WANT to be picked. but never have been. #
  • @anildash says the great thing about hotel lobby bars are that there are plenty of napkins to draw on 🙂 from #
  • @thisKat ugh! that sucks. i meant to say this to @grigs yesterday – rule of thumb is two falls, and then you don’t fall anymore. #
  • @KathySierra based on my research into Margarita Bike Tours: drunk but motivated participants #
  • checking out proofs for a hot new mountain bike advocacy site. coming soon! #
  • @karolcooks mmmmm. onion rings. #
  • idea: have a basic bike handling skills class a la ‘cross training to teach new bike commuters how to commute safely in the city. who’s in? #
  • @gchaix riding over obstacles, proper turning&signaling, looking over your shoulder without swerving, proper swerving, brake maintenance #
  • @gchaix riding in a pack – how to do it, when to drop back, ettiquette – typical bad car/bike interactions, stopping&dismounting quickly… #
  • @gchaix simple tricks for maintaining balance, making sharp&tight turns, and how to make yourself as visible as possible day&night #
  • @gchaix difference between this and other commuting clinics is that ppl bring their bikes to a grassy park, and try out all the techniques #
  • @gorthx TOTALLY. i was hoping that you would be an instructor!!! #
  • @gorthx coworker just offered to be an instructor as well. thought: have a couple instructors, and leaders who can pair up with new riders.. #
  • @gorthx after OSCON! #
  • @RobotAdam i’ll set up an informal signup, and tweet that tomorrow! if we get 15 ppl, that’d be plenty! #
  • afraid that the new meme will reduce @theory’s ████ quotient. #